Supporting attorneys in all trademark and design matters, development of filing strategies, trademark clearance searches, trademark monitoring, management of international trademark and design portfolios with regard to filing and prosecution, assignment of trademarks, collision analysis, out of court agreements in the course of trademark prosecution, coordination of recordation of IP rights with the customs authorities
Professional Experience
Intellectual Property Professional with regard to trademarks and designs in an Intellectual Property department of an industrial enterprise doing business internationally
Patent and trademark administrator in an Intellectual Property department of an industrial enterprise doing business internationally
Office Communication Specialist in an industrial enterprise doing business internationally
Assistant in a Swiss enterprise
Academic Education
Postgraduate studies at St. Gallen University with a diploma thesis about: “Protection of geographical indications of origin between Competition Law and Trademark Law”; Degree: Executive Master of European and International Business Law (Exec. M.B.L.-HSG).
Studies of Business Administration at Academy of Liechtenstein, specialising in the field of international management and a diploma thesis about: “Preventive measures against Trademark and Product Piracy. Focus on China.“; Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Professional Memberships
INGRES - Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (Institute for Industrial Property Rights)
INTA - International Trademark Association
German, English, French